Monday, October 5, 2015

Why am I studying Japanese?

         I have really been enjoying studying Japanese these past few weeks. I have been interested in learning Japanese for a number of years now, but this is my first time taking classes. I think it's a beautiful sounding language, but more than that, I am fascinated by the structure of the Japanese language. I am curious about the ways in which languages both inform and are informed by culture. Something as simple as placing a verb at the end of a sentence instead of the start can change the way in which people learn to listen. And what might the implications/origins of having an alphabet used exclusively for foreign words be? These are just of a few of the things I've been wondering about.
         In addition to being interested by the grammatical components of language (Japanese in particular), I really love reading. I have come to find that I really enjoy Japanese literature. Sadly, I can only read it translated, but even so there remains a particular sensibility which sets it apart from most literature written in English. There are often tinges of magic realism, but it's much more than that. My (very uneducated) impression is that this unique literary sensibility is connected to the presentation of time and spatiality. Time and space often appear linked in the Japanese novels that I've read, and not just linked, but almost elastic. It is often a subtle thing, and may be more the result of translating into English a language which has less rigid word order and temporal conjugation, but either way I'm fascinated and would love to learn more. I hope that one day I might learn enough Japanese to read a Japanese novel in its original language, but I certainly have a long way to go before then.
        I only speak English and rudimentary Spanish, and it has been an adjustment for me to be learning a language which I feel I have no intuition for. My past language-learning experience does not help me in that there are no cognates, few structural similarities, and very different methods of pronunciation between Japanese and Spanish or English. It almost makes the process more fun! I see results only for the effort that I put in, and I can't fake any results. Because of this, I find learning Japanese incredibly rewarding, and I'm excited to keep doing so!


  1. Hi,I’m Yukino Kawai.I’m freshman of Ritsumeikan University in OSAKA.My major is international business.I’ll talk a little about my background.My home country is USA,Los Angels.I was born in there and had been there for three years.After I came back to JAPAN,I traveled many countries.Because my parents love traveling all over the world.
    The countries where I had been are USA,CANADA,Thailand,Singapore,
    Maldives,England,Sweden,Italy,Spain,Dubai and so on.I’ll focus on CANAD’s memory.I went to CANADA during this summer vacation by myself to study English for one month.Traveling abroad without my family is my first experience,so I was so exited before going there.I made a lot of friends from various countries.I love Brazilian because they always keep talking and smiling.They also made me happy.And there were many Saudi people.Saudi’s government pay the education expense for them,that’s why they can easily go to study abroad.I hung out with my new friend every evening,for example,watching movie,major league baseball game and so on.All experience in CANADA was new and amazing.
    After coming back to Japan,I thought I wanna study abroad for one year in two years.Especially,I’m curious about England.To do so that,I have to improve my English skills.This is about a little bit my background.
    Thank you for reading.Nice to meet you.
    By the way,are you living in NY now?I really love NY.I had been there 4 times.
    Actually,I went to there this September.So please tell me about your NY life hahaha;)

    1. かわいさん、こちらこそよろしく。How wonderful that you lived in and travelled to so many places! That's awesome! いつにほんごへかえりますか。
      I'm so glad you had such a great time in Canada! Did you stay with a host family there, or did you live there on your own?
      Studying abroad in England would be wonderful, I agree! I would love to travel to England again. I went once a long time ago, but I think it would be super fun to go back. Good luck practicing your English! You write really well, so I'm sure you'll be ready to study in England very soon! (:
      Yes, I'm living in New York right now. I love it, too! いいですね。(: Where in New York did you go? What did you do?
      I absolutely hope to go to Japan one day, maybe for a semester next year! Hope to talk more to you soon!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. クレアさんこんにちは。へんしん、ありがとう:)
    I backed to japan from Toronto about one month ago.
    Already im miss my friends and life of canada.I stayed with a host family.
    But there were only grandmother.She was really nice person.So I stayed there very comfortably.
    Where are you from??And are you an exchange student now?
    Me,either:))England is amazing palace.Maybe in two years,I will study abroad.
    Im jelly you cuz you're living in NY now hahaha.
    I saw two broadway musical,CHICAGO and new one.CHICAGO was really nice.
    And went to Metoropolitan museum.It was free to enter.I saw lots of many famous paintings ,like piccaso,gohho and so on.
    Also i went to SHAKE SHACK hamburger shop.It was my first time to eat that,I was very suprised at the taste of hamburger.I love it.And i did lots of things in NY.
    Please come to JAPAN.I recommend OSAKA prefecture;)Because there are many funny person and delicious foods.Thanks for reading.

  4. かわいさんこんにちは!It sounds like you had a wonderful time in Canada! I think staying with a host family is on of the best ways to learn a language! I'm sorry you miss your friends :( I miss my friends in other countries, too.
    アメリカのボストンからきました。So, no I'm not an exchange student, but I'm not from NY.
    I love going to the Metropolitan Museum! いいですね!I'm glad you had such a fun trip to New York!
    I would love to go to Osaka one day! I also want to go to Kyoto. わたしのともだちよこはまからきました。So I would love to go visit her there, too! If I visit Osaka, what types of food should I try?
    Thanks for replying! (:

  5. Hi クレアさん;)
    Oh,you are from Boston.My sister studied abroad in Boston 2 years ago.
    She said Boston life was amazing also people in Boston.
    I wanna go there someday~~:)
    You should eat "TAKOYAKI","OKONOMIYAKI","YAKISOBA" in osaka.Its like famous food in Osaka.HAHAHA
    Thanks for reading *:)

  6. こんにちわ!I'm so glad your sister had a good time in Boston! Maybe it's because I grew up there, but I prefer New York to Boston. ボストンはきれいですがちさいですそしてあまりおもしろくありません。But if you go, I hope you have a wonderful time!
    やきそうばはとてもおいしいです!I would love to try some in Osaka! If you come to Boston you should maybe try some clam chowder. Or if you come in the fall we have great apple cider donuts and pumpkin ice cream. Actually, in the fall people in New England flavor EVERYTHING with pumpkin.
    Thank you for replying! (:

  7. はじめましてクリンガさん。わたしはジョンンソンです。どぞよろしく。わたしもスペインゴをべんきょうしました。今はスペインゴがにがてです。たいへんですね。にほんごのべんきょうはとてもむずかしいですが、にほんごだいすきです。クリンガさんのクラスがすきですか。Japanese culture has fascinated me over the years as well, and I've always been yearning to take a course on the language, but haven't accomplished that until this year as well! So far I really like the structure of the language as it feels much more straight forward, yet descriptive of what you naturally want to say. Good luck with your studies and work!

  8. こちらこそよろしく。コメントはありがとうございます!にほんごのクラスはむずかしですがおもしろいですから、だいすきです!にほんごはたのしですね。I agree that the language structure is quite straightfoward, but sometimes that also can trip me up as I'm not used to it. がんばってね!
